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歌谱:lost-n- found(TXT吉他谱)

演唱:BROOKS AND DUNN 作词:未知 作词:未知 来源:网络转载 人气: --

Newsgroups: alt.guitar.tab
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From: zeus@lorelei.dr.att.com (NB7243000-McGlynnJA(DR6713)000)
Subject: Lost -n- Found
Message-ID: <CBnto9.Frw@bigtop.dr.att.com>
Keywords: Country
Sender: zeus@lorelei (NB7243000-McGlynnJA(DR6713)000)
Organization: AT&T Bell Laboratories
Date: Thu, 12 Aug 1993 18:50:32 GMT
Lines: 74

Here is how I play "Lost And Found" by Brooks & Dunn.

[E] [E] [E] [E]

[E] [E]
I lost her trail on a Friday night
[A] [B]
She was gone before I got home
[E] [E]
She'd been getting restless
[B] [B]
In that big house all alone
[E] [E]
I've been up and down these city streets
[A] [E]
For three nights in a row
[A] [E]
And lord it's hard to find that girl
[B] [E]
When she gets the urge to go

It's kinda like a lost and found
In a border town
[E] [A]
Askin' bout a diamond ring
They just look at you
Like you've lost your mind
Say they haven't seen a thing
[A] [B]
But I know she's been here lately
[E] [A]
I can still smell her perfume
[B] [B] [A]
And she gets crazy on a full moon

[E] [E]
And I know she'll be coming back
[A] [B]
Her car is waiting right outside
[E] [E]
But, I don't want to think about
[B] [B]
Who's taking her for a ride
And her unpredictability
[A] [E]
Is what I love about her best

[A] [E]
Lord I've got to find her quick
[B] [E]
Before she does something I regret

[A] [B]
She's out there somewhere
[A] [B]
Burnin up the night
[A] [B]
Somehow I've got to run her down
I'm running out of time

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