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歌谱:sting me(TXT吉他谱)

演唱:佚名 作词:未知 作词:未知 来源:网络转载 人气: --


well, for starters it's in open G (surprised?)
lemme see here. . .


the rhythm may be off. probably is actually. anyways. . .that's the main riff at the begining.

also, there's that descending part he does after the riff in the begining it's just F to E to G. the thing with this song is you can's really play it wrong. just jam it out. i usually plat octaves on the 6 and 4 string. you'll figure it out.

the chorus is like this

Can ya sting meeeeeeetc. . .


right to my rotten bones


the just before the solo, vamp a little bit in G using a dominant seventh and a flatted third (F and Bflat if you got lost for a second there)

then the solo is just the chorus progression.

and that very funky riff under that next verse (oooh c'mon my sweet little thang. . .) is like this. . .


oh yeah, i forgot about this part before, sorry.

i don't mean to sound bitter. . .


that should be it. hope it helps! good luck
Sean T.

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