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歌谱:sioux city(TXT吉他谱)

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From fourwordmktg@earthlink.net Sun Apr 27 11:26:56 1997
Date: Mon, 21 Apr 1997 18:10:48 -0400
From: JD <fourwordmktg@earthlink.net>
To: guitar@olga.net
Subject: Sioux City by the Jayhawks

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Sioux City
The Jayhawks

from "Blue Earth" (Twin/Tone Records, 1989)
transcribed by John Davidson

<<Verse 1>>
There are so many times I swear I hear them fighting down the stairs

In Sioux City

E F# B E F# B
Please don^襱 let her find this dark and dingy room

Sioux City here tonight

<<Verse 2>>
I know the hotel clerk she lied. I followed her from the west side
In Sioux City
Please don^襱 bring to light this dark and dingy room
Sioux City here tonight

<<Verse 3>>
I know the hotel clerk she lied. I followed her from the west side
In Sioux City
Please don^襱 let her find this dark and dingy room
Sioux City here tonight

Please don^襱 bring to light this dark and dingy room
Sioux City here tonight

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