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歌谱:opus 35(TXT吉他谱)

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From: Mike Yukish <may106@psu.edu>
Subject: TAB: Sor Op 35, No 9

This is a study by Fernando Sor, Op. 35 No. 9, in the key of A. A very
nice study, not too hard to play and yet sounds great. You can hear
Segovia play it on his CD with the studies. The bass notes form a
descending A major scale. Let the bass notes ring.

I figured out that on the Macintosh, if you use the Courier font, the
characters are all spaced the same and the TAB will be entered and
displayed correctly. All of the other fonts are proportional, and you
get all kinds of weird alignments, different with each font. So Courier
is the key. This is my second attempt at tabbing a song. MUCH better
than my first!

questions and comments to:
Mike Yukish

Standard tuning

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