视频:A guide to Chinese instruments中国乐器: 古筝
TAGS: 中国文化,中国乐器
视频介绍: Guzheng 古筝, Wu Fei 吴非 Yuzhou Changwan - Fishermans' Evening Song 渔舟唱晚 PHOTOGRAPHY Jonah M. Kessel | jonahkessel.com Kit Gillet | kitgillet.com PRODUCTION Jonah M. Kessel | jonahkessel.com Jeremy Goldkorn | Danwei.com Kit Gillet | kitgillet.com Thanks to all the featured musicians & teachers from China Conservatory of Music and China Conservatory High School. Special thanks to Dong Nan for organizing musicians and venues. 谢片中所有的演奏家的精彩表演, 感谢中国音乐学院附中以及中国音乐学院的支持。 特别感谢琵琶演奏家董楠对此片的演 奏家联系和拍摄场地的组织工作!
视频介绍: Guzheng 古筝, Wu Fei 吴非 Yuzhou Changwan - Fishermans' Evening Song 渔舟唱晚 PHOTOGRAPHY Jonah M. Kessel | jonahkessel.com Kit Gillet | kitgillet.com PRODUCTION Jonah M. Kessel | jonahkessel.com Jeremy Goldkorn | Danwei.com Kit Gillet | kitgillet.com Thanks to all the featured musicians & teachers from China Conservatory of Music and China Conservatory High School. Special thanks to Dong Nan for organizing musicians and venues. 谢片中所有的演奏家的精彩表演, 感谢中国音乐学院附中以及中国音乐学院的支持。 特别感谢琵琶演奏家董楠对此片的演 奏家联系和拍摄场地的组织工作!
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