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视频:【爵士課堂】提琴:fdm - Jazz Improvisation for Violin p.1

类别:提琴 用户:haavbline 发布日期:9年前 播放次数:10
TAGS: 爵士課堂,提琴,jazz,Lessons,violin,FiddlerMan
视频介绍: FiddlerMan - Jazz improvisation for violin http://fiddlerman.com In order to improvise on the violin you should familiarize yourself with the most common jazz scale which is the minor Dorian scale. Learn this scale in all the key signatures and both directions to give you the freedom to let loose and play jazz effortlessly. Add the 9th to the scale to make it even more interesting. Listen to a lot of jazz to learn from what others are doing. More tutorials at http://fiddlerman.com
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