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歌谱:merrily kissed the quaker(TXT吉他谱)

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From: whitej@whio.lincoln.ac.nz (White, Jared Conway)
Subject: TAB: **Merrily Kissed the Quaker** - Pierre Bensusan

Merrily Kissed the Quaker - trad.
performed by Pierre Bensusan in "Pres de Paris" (1975)

Tuning DADGAD, capo 6th fret
Time sig. 6/8

Transcription: Alessandro Miotto, 1994
Modified by Jared White (whitej@lincoln.ac.nz), 1995

Notes: This file contains significant changes to that posted
by Alessandro Miotto. I wish to thank him for his efforts in
tabbing this excellent piece - Are you there Alessandro?

The piece is fairly easy to play, except for the second half
of section C which has some tricky fingering. If this part
poses too much of a problem, it would be possible to simplify
it by changing the bass notes.

Play the piece at a quick tempo. Bensusan damps the bass
strings while keeping the treble strings open and clear,
which can be a little awkward. Persevere! It's a fun
piece to play.

Bracketed notes are optional. Sections with four lines of
tab are simply two lines repeated, with minor changes at the
ends of the second two lines.

As always, listen to the recording if you get the opportunity.
I hope to transcribe "Cunla", the jig that Bensusan follows
on with, sometime soon. Has anyone had a go at this already?
Comments, suggestions etc., please mail me. Enjoy!

Part A: .
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