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歌谱:a world without love(TXT吉他谱)

演唱:peter and gordan / the beatles 作词:未知 作词:未知 来源:网络转载 人气: --

6 6 -7 6 5
please lock me away

5 5 5 -6 -6 7
and don't allow the day

-7 -6 6 -6 6 -5 4 -4 5 -5 6
here inside, where i hide with my loneliness
-5 5 -4 5 -5 -6 7 -6 -7
i don't care what they say, i won't stay
-7 -7 -6 6 -5 4
in a world without love

6 6 -7 6 5
birds sing out of tune

5 5 5 -6 -6 7
and rain drops hide the moon
-7 -6 6 -6 6 -5 4 -4 5 -5 6
i'm o.k., here i'll stay with my loneliness
-5 5 -4 5 -5 -6 7 -6 -7
i don't care what they say, i won't stay
-7 -7 -6 6 -5 4
in a world without love

-4 5 -5 5 -4 5 -5
so i wait, and in a while
5 -5 6 -5 5 -5 6
i will see my true love smile
-4 5 -5 5 -4 5 -5
she may come, i know not when

-5 6 -6 7 7
when she does, i'll know
7 -7 -6 6 -5 5
so baby until then

7 -6 6 5
lock me away

5 5 5 -6 -6 7
and don't allow the day

-7 -6 6 -6 6 -5 4 -4 5 -5 6
here inside, where i hide with my loneliness
-5 5 -4 5 -5 -6 7 -6 -7
i don't care what they say, i won't stay
-7 -7 -6 6 -5 4
in a world without love

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