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歌谱:Ill Never Break Your Heart(TXT吉他谱)

演唱:Backstreet Boys 作词:未知 作词:未知 来源:网络转载 人气: --
歌曲名: Ill Never Break Your Heart
歌手/乐队:Backstreet Boys

Bb		        G/Bb
From the first day that I saw your smiling face
Eb			F						
Honey I knew that we would be together forever
Bb			G/Bb
When I asked you out,You said no, but I found out
Eb			F			Dm    D7
Darling you'd been hurt,You felt that you'd never love again
Gm		Gm/maj7
I deserve a try, honey, just once
F			Fm/maj7
Give me a chance, and I'll prove this all wrong
Eb			Dm7
You walked in you were quick to judge
Cm7		F
But honey, he's nothing like me

I'll never break your heart
I'll never make you cry
Eb		Dm7
I'd rather die, then live without you
Cm7			F
I'll give you all of me, honey that's no lie


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