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歌谱:van halen solo2(TXT吉他谱)

演唱:Nerf Herder 作词:未知 作词:未知 来源:网络转载 人气: --

Okay, the solo on the tab for this song is pretty wrong. The solo at
the end really goes like so...

G--4--7--12-- x4

G--4--7--11-- x4

G--4--8--11-- x4

G--5--9--12-- x4 , the whole thing is done twice.

The \"two hand tapping guitar technique\" is used to play this, cuz it\'s
fast! Basically, all you gotta do is use your left first finger and
pinky to hit the 4 and 7 (later the 4 & 8 and the 5 & 9), and tap the
12s and 11s with the first finger on your right hand. I pluck the
string with my right first finger to get the 4 & 7 out, but I suppose
you could tap those too. I just find plucking easier, but the 12s and
11s need to be tapped with the right hand finger. Now you can play
the song right, Yay.

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