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歌谱:jesus christ pose(TXT吉他谱)

演唱:佚名 作词:未知 作词:未知 来源:网络转载 人气: --

G'day, got a little bored while studying so I figured this out (for the
most part). It should be as correct as I can get it 8)
Title: Jesus Christ Pose
Artist: Soundgarden

Here's a partial tab for one of Soundgarden's heaviest songs!

x -muffled string.
> -accent.

Drop D Tuning
Intro- sounds like a pedal low D (more or less in free time!)
I cant remember what the bass plays during the 'power chords and
widdle-widdle-WAH' bit, but i suspect it's just the low D doubling the
power chords. It shouldnt be too hard to figure out 8)

Main verse riff:
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