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歌谱:devil with the green eyes(TXT吉他谱)

演唱:佚名 作词:未知 作词:未知 来源:网络转载 人气: --

# For the latest collection of Matthew Sweet chords, go to
# http://www.uark.edu/~cbray/sweet/
# If you have any corrections or additions to this file, please email them
# to cbray@comp.uark.edu

"Devil with the Green Eyes"

Chords/Tab from: Rob Ballantyne (z951535@corn.cso.niu.edu)

Chords: Bm (x24432) Bsus2 (x24422) G(320033) A (x02220) E7 (022130)
E(022100) A* (x02220); A* is intended to played with index
finger only

Intro: Bm, Bsus2, G, A (x 3)
Bm, A, G, E7, E7

Bm Bsus2 G A Bm
I can un-der-stand you're living in a prison
Bsus2 G A Bm
I know you can only see me as a vision
Bsus2 G A Bm
I might fade away with the coming of a new dawn
A G E E7
And your heart is breaking.

What are you gonna do now
A G E E7
That you're tired of fak - ing it?
A G E E7
Well, it's hard to take it
Bm A
When you know what hap - pens each time.

G A Bm Bsus2 A*
The devil with the green eyes
G A Bm
said you were never meant to be mine
Bsus2 A* G A Bm A
'cause I came up from a dark world.
G E7 Bm
And every love I've ever know is dead.

Bsus2 G A Bm
If you come close enough to see I am inhuman
Bsus2 G A Bm
I will tell you why you're feeling so uncertain
Bsus2 G A Bm A
Every word I say has a way of turning evil in you
G E E7
And your heart is breaking.

What are you gonna do now
A G E E7
That you're tired of fak - ing it?
A G E E7
Well, it's hard to take it
Bm A
When you know what hap - pens each time.

G A Bm Bsus2 A*
The devil with the green eyes
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