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By Nolan Sontag

Artist: Everlast
Song: Ends

Now I'm Not saying this tab is perfect, But when I play along with the song it sounds
more accurate that any other tab I have seen on here. First off, PUT THE CAPO ON
THE 3RD FRET. This makes the first chord you play a straight G. From there, the chord
shapes RALATIVE TO THE CAPO progress like this:

E, D, Dsus, D, A...

That's for the chorus. As for the verses, once again relation to the Capo, simply alternate
between E and A every 2nd measure (8 beats)

I have tabbed it out below, But since I have never tabbed before, I dont really know what
I'm doing. All the chord names at the top are named relative to the capo. Note that all
the strings on the 3rd fret would be played open with a capo on
the 3rd fret. Also note that in an effort to give a sense of the strum pattern, I made
each dash (-) equal to one half strum.

the "d"s at the bottom mean a down strum
The "u"s mean an up strum

[chorus riff (repeat 4 times)]

Ends... People...

*chords: E D D^ D A
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