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歌谱:red hooded sweatshirt(TXT吉他谱)

演唱:SANDLER ADAM 作词:未知 作词:未知 来源:网络转载 人气: --

From: gbowerma@acs.ucalgary.ca
Subject: CRD: adam_sandler/red-hooded_sweatshir.crd

Someone requested this tune a short while back. It's just C-Am-
F-G, same as Zeppelin's "D'yer Maker" or the 50's instrumental
"Sleepwalk" or "Runaround Sue" (OK, that's D-Bm-G-A). So there
you go, four for the price of one.

Red-Hooded Sweatshirt
C Am
My mom bought you when I was just thirteen
F G etc...
The brightest red sweatshirt that I'd ever seen
She got an extra-large so I wouldn't grow out
"That's too big for you!" the other children would shout
But we stuck together, we didn't quit
And now the children say "What a perfect fit!"

CHORUS: (Same chords, barred for emphasis if you choose)
I love you sweatshirt
Red-hooded sweatshirt
(Dip-dip-dip) sweatshirt
(Shama-lama-ding-dong) sweatshirt

I like to rest my hands in your kangaroo pouch
It makes them feel comfy, like a big soft couch
And I don't care if the weather's no good
I say "see you later rain!" as I pull up my hood
Remember that long bus trip when I needed a nap?
I used you as a pillow on that Spanish lady's lap


Oh what is it about you that makes me so jolly
Is it your fifty cotton or your fifty poly

C Am
I don't know, oh-oh-oh-oh

Spoken: (same C-Am-F-G business)
Oh red-hooded sweatshirt, we've been through a lot together
Like that time I played in that shirts and skins basketball game
And I had to take you off and throw you in the corner of the gym
I was midway through the game and then I saw you lookin' at me
You were starin' as if to say "Adam, you suck at basketball.
You dribble like a damn woman."
I was so mad I challenged you to a game of one-on-one.
And you know, sweatshirt, even though I beat you eleven to nine
Deep in my soul I know you missed those layups on purpose
You let me win! And that's why (help me out Kevin...):

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