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演唱:佚名 作词:未知 作词:未知 来源:网络转载 人气: --

     Song:I Dare You To Move



Title: I Dare You To Move

Artist: Switchfoot

Album: Learning to Breathe

Copyright 2000 Sugar Pete Songs / Meadowgreen Music / ASCAP /

               Admin. by EMI Christian Music Publishing

Intro (easiest to use ring finger on (G), middle finger on (D))



(G)--9-9-9--9-9-9--9-9-9--9-9-9-9-9-9-9--9-9-9-9--->    (2X)




                                      (2nd X)  Welcome to the

Verse 1







     planet......                         .....Welcome to exi-







    -stence......                         .....Everyone's here







     .....                    .....Everyone's here







     .....                                .....Everybody's







     watching you now.....                .....Everybody







     waits for you now.....               .....What happens next?







     .....                  .....What happens next?







     .....                                .....I dare you to move








     .....                  .....I dare you to move







     .....                  .....I dare you to lift







     yourself up off the floor.....       .....I dare you







     to move.....           .....I dare you to move







     .....                  .....Like today never hap-







     pened.....             .....Today never hap-



(G)--8-8-8-8--->    (right into Verse/Intro progression)





Verse 2 (same chord progression as Verse 1)

Welcome to the fallout

Welcome to resistance

The tension is here, the tension is here

Between who you are and who you could be

Between how it is and how it should be

(Repeat Chorus)








Maybe redemption has stories to tell.....        .....Maybe forgive-

ness is right where you fell.....                .....Where can you run

to escape from yourself.....                     .....Where you gonna







     go?.....    Where you gonna go?.... Salvation is here.......

(Repeat Chorus, End on E)

Guys!WORK HARD!!............

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